
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


各界热议广电总局《意见》:莫为娱乐遗忘道德 "从2012年1月1日起,每个电视上星综合频道每日6:00至24:00新闻类节目不得少于2小时;18:00至23:30必须有两档以上自办新闻类节目,每档新闻节目时间不得少于30分钟。"这是广电总局近日下发的《关于进一步加强电视上星 ... 各界热议广电总局《意见》:莫为娱乐遗忘道德

Villagers to participate in study tours and travel agents sudden death's family village

Villagers to participate in study tours and travel agents sudden death's family village (Reporter Sun Siya) Jiamou arranged in a tourist village in the study died, his wife and children their parents will be happy Chinese village and Beijing Travel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Happy Chinese Company") to court claims 35 million yuan. Yesterday morning, Pinggu court hearing of the case. ...Villagers to participate in study tours and travel agents sudden death's family village


快递员薪水追着快递费涨:多家公司进行上调 读者李女士昨天告诉北京晨报记者,两周内从汇通快运发了两次快递,同样的标准件、同样的地址,价格却不一样,明显涨价了。记者从汇通快运官方网站获悉,该公司决定自10月20日起对快件收费标准进行调整,省内函件每票上调 ... 快递员薪水追着快递费涨:多家公司进行上调

17只股基规模未过亿份 5只逼近清盘红线

17只股基规模未过亿份 5只逼近清盘红线 截至今年三季度末,531只偏股型基金的基金总份额为1.87万亿份,其中规模上百亿份的基金有48只,如最多的嘉实沪深300期末份额为408.10亿份,而一些基金则在清盘红线边缘挣扎。 《每日经济新闻》记者注意到,随着新基金募 ... 17只股基规模未过亿份 5只逼近清盘红线

Dae 'younger generation pyosim' read properly

Dae 'younger generation pyosim' read properly South Korea's political landscape represents the angry election of the Mayor of Seoul, drove up to Cheong Wa Dae is having hupokpungyi. The requirement that a country has is that properly should be renewed. Erupted in this election the younger generation pyosim (票 心) must accept is that to read properly. Imgimal inadvertently get caught running the country is ...Dae 'younger generation pyosim' read properly

Daimler Q3 hit by weak cars business in Europe

Daimler Q3 hit by weak cars business in Europe The Daimler fuel cell show car ''F125'' is displayed during the International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt, September 13, 2011. FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Daimler (DAIGn.DE) reported weaker than expected third-quarter operating profit as the economic ... Daimler Q3 hit by weak cars business in Europe

“永结同心”有收获 老婆生日刮彩票

"福彩刮刮乐,请您陕西游"活动开展以来,已有不少彩民陆续中奖。其中一位中奖彩民贺先生则尤为幸运。 10月20日这天,是他太太的生日。当天晚上,贺先生在酒楼为老婆庆贺生日,随后就和朋友一起去别的地方玩。经过金鼎 ... "永结同心"有收获 老婆生日刮彩票

Jincheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection efforts to promote the prevention of corruption

Jincheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection efforts to promote the prevention of corruption In recent years, Jincheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection adhere to the prevention of corruption punishment and prevention system as the core content, and actively explore the reality of the path of corruption prevention, the introduction of the implementation of corruption prevention advice and the main points and make progress in the prevention of corruption and practical results. First, the overall framework of co-ordination structures to prevent corruption. ...Jincheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection efforts to promote the prevention of corruption

Chávez habla de milagros, oposición, Libia y su enfermedad en larga jornada

Chávez habla de milagros, oposición, Libia y su enfermedad en larga jornada El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, desarrolló hoy una larga jornada que comenzó con un nuevo gesto de devoción religiosa asegurando que su recuperación del cáncer es un milagro y que concluyó cargando contra la oposición, tras haber hablado de ... Chávez habla de milagros, oposición, Libia y su enfermedad en larga jornada

Student Human Rights Ordinance, teachers and students 68% positive 61% negative

Student Human Rights Ordinance, teachers and students 68% positive 61% negative Enforcement of human rights since early this year, Gyeonggi-do students change schools for 61% of teachers 'negative', 68% of students 'positive' as distinct sigakcha were evaluated. These sigakcha six months ago when the big difference is you do not have. Gyeonggi Education informant last September 21 to October 5 37 schools.Student Human Rights Ordinance, teachers and students 68% positive 61% negative


徐国维:让新八景持久闪耀泉城内外 "泉城新八景"评选活动开展以来,各单位、市民踊跃推荐新八景。25日,相关部门公布了"泉城新八景"市民评审团名单,入选者也纷纷表示期待见证新八景出炉。 入选的,我们要积极宣扬,让外地来客通过新八景进一步了解泉城,让 ... 徐国维:让新八景持久闪耀泉城内外

看重转融通 基金再宠金融股

看重转融通 基金再宠金融股 在本身估值便宜、有业绩支撑,加之转融通细则即将出台的消息联合刺激之下,金融股再获基金青睐。昨日,证券时报记者从多家基金公司了解到,尽管今年一直对"便宜"的金融板块有所布局,但9月底以来,一些基金对金融板块有 ... 看重转融通 基金再宠金融股

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